Why Choose K & R Land Surveyors, Inc of Conway, SC?
K & R Land Surveyors, Inc.
provides a full range of professional land surveying services from residential lot surveys to large-tract boundaries. They provide pre-approved and pre-recorded plats for attorneys up request, as well as elevation certifications and topographical surveys.
We offer FREE QUOTES for your convenience. Let us know about the land you want surveyed, along with contact info or call owner, Ken Jordan, at 843.241.7842.
We take pride in offerings free advice, information, and attention, which every client deserves.
Horry County Planning and Zoning requires certain surveys to be completed before a building permit can be acquired. Having a recent survey plat provides:
* Buyer Confidence
* Exact Lot Dimensions
* Encroachment Identification
* Integrity in the Loan Process
* Building Permit Requirements
Additional information such as State Plane Coordinates (NAD 83), National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD 29) and a Topographical Map may be required on your property for engineering and storm permitting.
Although there are many important benefits to having land surveyed, the most important benefit is that your land will look more appealing to investors and/or buyers.
Call us for a Free Quote
K & R Land Surveyors offers FREE QUOTES for your convenience. Simply answer a few questions about the parcel of land you want surveyed, and we will reply via phone to confirm your property specs, or if enough information is provided, an e-mail will be sent with the land survey proposal amount.
The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) requires elevation certificates prepared by a registered and licensed surveyor. This certification is used to determine floor elevation of the building in relation to flood elevation.
K & R Land Surveyors, Inc. meets your insurance needs with fast and accurate elevation certificates. We offer easy ordering on-line or by phone.
What We Do at K & R Land Surveyors
We value our customer’s time and hope this website is a valuable tool for individuals who are looking for South Carolina land surveying services, and want the information in a hurry.
Although there are many important benefits to having land surveyed, the most important benefit is that your land will look more appealing to investors and/or buyers.
Boundary Survey
A map will be produced showing the property lines labeled with metes and bounds, total acreage calculated and improvements shown on the map.
Estate Surveys
An estate survey normally consists of a complete boundary survey of the property. The next step may be to create tracts of land equal in value, acreage and accessibility.
Required Surveys
We offer all the necessary surverys required by Horry County Planning & Zoning. Some properties also require State Plane Coordinates, National Geodetic Vertical Datum, and Topographical Maps.
Contact Us for a FREE QUOTE!
Thank you for your interest in K&R Land Surveyors. Please answer a few questions about the parcel of land you want surveyed and K&R Land Surveyors will call to confirm your property’s specs, then e-mail a proposal to you. We offer land surveying services throughout the greater Myrtle Beach, South Carolina area.
For immediate assistance, please call owner and lead South Carolina land surveyor, Ken Jordan, at: (843) 241-7842.
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